Driving Tips for Spring

Now that we are into the season of Spring, the nights are getting much lighter and the colours around us brighter. Eggs are hatching and we are excited for Easter! There is one thing that remains the same from Winter however, driving conditions can still be as tricky as ever. In this blog we are going to be sharing some of our top tips for Driving at this time of year.
Check your Wiper Blades
After a Winter of snow, ice and some really extreme weather conditions, your windscreen wipers are sure to have been put through their paces. With the rainfall that comes during Spring, your car’s wipers aren’t going to be resting anytime soon. It is important that you check the blades for any damage and it may be that you need to replace them. You should also clean your windshield with good window washer to improve wiper performance.
Wet Roads
You may think that the hardest driving conditions are out of the way but rain can be just as dangerous as ice. You should take extra care by increasing the distance between you and the car in front when the roads are wet. It is also vital to avoid standing water and flooded roads at all times, as you never know how deep the water is!
Replace worn tyres
At the time of year when rain can be extremely heavy, your tyres need to be in the best condition possible to deal with the difficult conditions the roads end up in. Worn treads cause a loss of traction, which highly increases your chances of sliding. If your tyres are in a poor state they may need to be replaced. Even if the tread is ok it could be that your tyres need inflating so you should also check this.
If your vehicle requires repairs to make it ready for Spring, the team here at Off Rhodes have you covered. For more information visit www.offrhodesgarage.co.uk or call us on 01748 811 500.